Parsing linux command results and lessons learned

Over the last two years of my career, I've spent most of my time developing in-house software for my company's own use. Most of it involves the management of our own systems infrasctructure, with servers all around the world and the hardware attached to them. I developed tools that ssh…

NAS server on a Raspberry Pi

In this spring/lockdown clearing, I unburied an old Raspberry Pi I bought several years ago but never did anything with it. I was in need of a new project so I decided to do something useful and build a file server. My current laptop's HD is only 500GB which…

Setting up a basic Cron Job on a server

One of the most common and useful jobs one may come across when working with any kind of long term project involving basic systems administration is to set up scheduled tasks to be executed automatically at a planned time. This can be achieved by using Cron, a time-based task scheduler…