Parsing linux command results and lessons learned

Over the last two years of my career, I've spent most of my time developing in-house software for my company's own use. Most of it involves the management of our own systems infrasctructure, with servers all around the world and the hardware attached to them. I developed tools that ssh…

User Agent String, usage statistics and reporting

Lately, I have been developing in JavaScript more than I used to. I have recently discovered the JavaScript  functions .map(), .reduce() and .filter(), which are equivalent to my beloved array_map, array_reduce and array_filter in PHP. However, not every browser supports them. They are not supported, for example,…

Fluent interface for method chaining in PHP

I am currently doing some research to choose between one of the most popular PHP frameworks for my next project. I have experience using codeigniter and Yii, which are starting to be fairly low in the popularity scale nowadays. They are simple, straightforward and do the job, so I'm still…

PHP late static binding

Being PHP an interpreted language, we don't need to compile our programs ourselves. However, that doesn't mean it is never complied. The PHP interpreter compiles and runs it for us so there is still these two phases: compile time and run time. Static properties get their values on run time.…